What’s the deal with Justin Bieber, anyway?

Apparently, nothing says pure sex like Justin Bieber. I have come to this conclusion after painfully observing that one eighth of the store’s magazine space is a shrine to the Bieb and to the cast of Twilight. Vampires and werewolves I understand (who doesn’t love hot-bodied monsters?), but this whole Bieber craze is baffling.

Is it entirely necessary to stock magazines that in total include over thirty full-sized posters of Justin Bieber? (These include shirtless Bieb, angsty Bieb, smiley Bieb, dashing Bieb and the Bieb’s head fitted into various movie montages.)

Furthermore, this is a college campus. What college student would pay $4.99 to read about a sixteen-year-old’s favorite type of ice cream? Sad statement.

The other day, bored out of my skull, I casually flipped through a magazine dedicated solely to Justin Bieber. My life is disintegrating before my eyes.

About Carlie Sorosiak

I am a travel writer, travel junkie, and a lover of food and culture.
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